
Muscle health = mental health

Muscle mass has many functions within the body. Muscles serve as protection from injury, help with balance and flexibility, and play a significant role in the function of your metabolism. Having more muscle mass can also help manage blood sugar, support your joints, and can even positively impact your overall sense of wellbeing. Additionally, regular exercise lowers blood pressure, reduces your risk for diabetes and cancer, and promotes longevity.
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Medication Take Back Day

The LMAS District Health Department has partnered with the Luce County Sheriff’s Office, Mackinac County Sheriff’s Office, Alger County Sheriff’s Office, and Schoolcraft County Sheriff’s Office as well as the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) to host Medication Take Back events throughout the district this spring.
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Self-care is not selfish.

One of the single most important things you can do for your overall health and wellness is regular self-care. Data on self-care is alarming to say the least. Some sources state that as little as 6% of adults engage in regular self-care; other studies claim that 1 in 3 adults feel guilty for taking time to engage in self-care, and there is even data to show that some adults have never engaged in self-care activities at all. The bottom line is that the vast majority of adults do not engage in one of the most important aspects of health and wellness.
Read MoreSelf-care is not selfish.

Growing Together:

Have you heard that Munising now has a 4-H Youth Garden Club? Community gardening benefits participants and the larger community by supporting food security, promoting a healthy and aesthetic environment and improving mental and physical health through self expression, being part of a team, doing physical activity and promoting positive eating habits. Youth gain hands-on experience while also learning about food systems, the local environment, and learning by doing.
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A “Goodbye” and a “Hello Again”

On Easter Sunday, Eden said “Goodbye” to Pastor Tera Kossow. Pastor Tera accepted a call as Assistant to the Bishop of the Western North Dakota Synod of the ELCA. We feel very fortunate for the time Pastor Tera was with us and wish her all the best in her new call. While it was hard to say goodbye to Pastor Tera, Eden sent her off with the great Lutheran tradition of potluck.
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Get a jump on spring allergies

Q: I am bothered terribly by itchy, tearing eyes and clear runny nose every spring and summer; my doctor advised me to try one of the anti-allergy medications that can be purchased without a prescription. They do seem to help, but I have to take them for more than a week before they seem to start working. Is there any better way to manage this problem?
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Help me avoid diabetic amputation

Q: I’ve just been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. Several of my close relatives have also been diagnosed with this in the last decade or so. What concerns me most is that two of them have had to have foot or lower leg amputations in the last few years, something I would very much like to avoid. Is there anything I can do to either delay or prevent such a thing in my own case?
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