
2024 Pictured Rocks Golf Course 2 Women Scramble

The 2024 Pictured Rocks Golf Course 2-Woman Scramble features 96 golfers forming 48 teams in a 3-par, 2-woman scramble format. This event has been running for at least 15 years, offering participants a day filled with excitement and camaraderie. Before the tournament begins, breakfast is provided, setting the stage for a day of competition. Additionally, a raffle is held, giving attendees the chance to win delightful gift baskets.
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Spencer Nebel, Newport City Manager Since 2013, Retires Following Four Decades Of City Management

City Manager and Munising native Spencer Nebel officially retired on July 8, following over 10 years serving the community in his role, and over 42 years of public service, leaving behind an everlasting legacy of positive impacts for the city’s present and future. As the City Manager, Nebel brought stability, consistency, transparency, and vision to the city organization and departments overseen by the city and the Newport residential and business communities.
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Munising Public Schools Advocates for Critical Sinking Fund

Munising Public Schools (MPS) is making a third attempt to pass a Sinking Fund, which officials say is essential for addressing the district’s infrastructure, safety, technology, and transportation needs for Mather Elementary and Munising Middle / High School (MMHS). The vote is scheduled for August 6, 2024. School officials are emphasizing the critical importance of this fund to the community.
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Quotes from School Volunteers

Cori-Ann Cearley, a booster club volunteer, emphasized the importance of the Sinking Fund. “I feel like we need to support our schools’ infrastructure, technology, and transportation needs,” Cearley said. “The school has several leaks, cold classrooms, outdated computers and software programs, and buses that are well over the usual mileage to replace them. These funds cannot be used for salaries and will go directly into our school to support our children having a safe, warm, and dry environment.” She added, “My personal number one project that I want to see done with the Sinking Fund money is to create a safe and secure pickup/drop-off area at the elementary school. I believe in my heart that it is only a matter of time before a child is hit running across that road during either drop-off or pickup. It is extremely congested with poor visibility and there are lots of people who don’t slow down when coming through there.”
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Munising School Public Library News

You and your little ones won’t want to miss out on our Summer Reading/ National Park Service collaboration this coming Wednesday, July 31 at 1:00 p.m. Join us for Adventures in the Marsh, where we will do the Marsh Walk offsite at Sand Point. This is a great event for the whole family! Hey Kids! Don’t forget to log your reading times and earn some great prizes! The final day to turn in your Summer Reading minutes is on Friday, August 2. Don’t miss the deadline!
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