
Box Scores

Softball May 23 Superior Central 6 Norway 13 Superior Central 4 Norway 15 Rudyard 21 Munising 10 May 25 Superior Central at Gwinn Cancelled Tennis May 18 Munising 7 Gladstone 1 No. 1 Singles D.
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It is the policy of The Munsing Beacon, a CherryRoad Media publication, to encourage reader participation on its editorial page. Diverse and varied opinions are welcomed. The following serves as a guide for publishing the print and digital versions of “Letters the Editor”: We must limit all contributors to one letter per person per month. Only original letters will be published. Only letters of 400 words or less may be considered for publishing and are subject to editing for style, mechanics, and grammar. Letters containing language or content that is blatantly offensive, or that the editor feels is inappropriate, will not be published. Letters should focus on the opinion/s of the writer, not facts. Any statement of facts not generally known or accepted to be true will be removed. All letters must be signed by the writer, with address and phone number provided for verification only. Letters will be printed with the author’s name and municipality of residence only. Anonymous letters will not be published. Letters that contain statements that are libelous or slanderous will not be published, nor will letters that include attacks of a personal nature. Letters written in response to other letter writers should address the issue at hand, rather than mentioning the writer by name, and should refer to the headline and date the letter was published. Letters referring to news stories should also mention the headline and date of publication. Letters are published both online and in print and are published as they are received and when space is available. Letters become the property of CherryRoad Media Inc. and may be used by CherryRoad Media Inc. in other formats, and its sole discretion. Legal notices and certain political advertising for candidates or issues have guidelines dictated by state or federal statutes which we must follow. Letters regarding an election issue or candidate will not be published in the issue immediately preceding election day. CherryRoad Media